About Us
Who We Are
BioTek Pharma was established with the view to become the leading link between international healthcare companies and the Middle East & North Africa growing markets.
BioTek Pharma model is based on the idea of representation with direct distribution or indirect through local distribution partners in the region.
Based in France, with a physical presence through a network of market-leading partners across the GCC, North Africa and other countries, BioTek Pharma has extensive local knowledge and a solid network of connections that facilitate linking any international healthcare provider to the most fitting partners in these markets.
In addition to it’s International role, BioTek Pharma is also identified as a distributor in France for different healthcare categories that serves the french market either B2B or B2C.
Our Vision
To be a pioneer in healthcare business services, and to serve the real need of the community

Our Mission
To bring the best solutions from international manufacturers and to build growth in the new markets
Our Values
Commitment, honesty and integrity
Quality of services and products
Driving growth & maximizing profit

Why To Choose Us?
Less costs for new markets access & for employees assigned for these markets
Less Overhead for offices, travels, conferences, etc..
Less time is needed for you when partnering with us to start selling effectively in any new markets.
We Focus mainly on results while keeping inline with the best and most effective ways to reach these results.
Our team is highly experienced in different fields with +10 years of experience each, and we always work on the ground and never leave our partners in any country without a close and supportive follow up.
We believe in investment as a way to grow, so we give high importance to being there in the major events to build up more and more relationships. We also invest in marketing as well from materials to marketing teams and even sponsoring big activities.
Legal Notice
BioTek Pharma is a SAS company registered in France with a capital of 50.000 Euros
Registration number: 89 16 12 822 R.C.S Nanterre
SIREN: 89 16 12 822 SIRET: 89 16 12 822 00025
TVA: FR 40 89 16 12 822